Each 1st year is looked after by a senior student called a mentor. It is the job of the mentor to help their 1st year to settle in to school and advise when issues come up. |
Class Tutor
Each class has a teacher who acts as class tutor. The tutor takes extra responsibility for that class and helps those students through their school life. |
Year Head:
There is a Year Head that looks after more serious issues. There is one for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, pre – Leaving and for Leaving Cert. students. |
Home School Community Liaison:
We have a Home School teacher that mainly deals with parents of students, the local community and visits parents as time allows. |
Students can avail of the Career Guidance Counsellor to help in all aspects of their school life. |
The school chaplain helps students with the spiritual and personal dimensions of their lives and is available in school. |
Parents' Council:
There is an active parents’ council which involves itself with fundraising to finance school development and improve school facilities. The council meets regularly with the Principal and a staff representative to formulate school policy and discuss other matters of benefit to students. |
Student Council:
Sancta Maria College Students’ Council acts as a voice for the students in the school. The Council operates under a constitution and elects its own Executive Committee and officers. The Students’ Council contributes significantly to the review of the schools’ Code of Discipline and Guidelines on Bullying documents. The Council also engages in fundraising for charitable causes. The role of the Students’ Council is continually evolving within the school and will continue to play a significant role in the years ahead. |